Tuesday 16 November 2021

Eva - 7 Months

 This was a big month in terms of development. I know the next few are going to be the same deal, but I'm going to miss the baby baby stage with this one! 

She's definitely had a glow up haha

She's a mix of the two, but definitely more Dom I think

Weight: 18lb (70th percentile)
Height: 27 inches (60th percentile)


  • Wearing size 9 and 9-12 month clothing. I can still squeeze her into some 6 month stuff, but we're at the end of the line there. 
  • Size 3 diapers. Size 2 shoes. 
  • She popped 2 teeth in the last week! Both the bottom front teeth. I didn't even realize she was teething, and then noticed one evening a tooth had come through. The next evening she cried for an hour at bedtime which is abnormal, but fell asleep after having some Tylenol. Two days later the next tooth came through. She was a little more drooly and maybe a bit more fussy than usual, but honestly I hardly noticed... I consider myself lucky! Maybe I just have so much other yelling going on I tuned it out haha.
  • Speaking of yelling, she's recently discovered she can make sounds other than oo and ahh and agoo and ba. She just yells. At the top of her lungs. She's not sad, not overly happy, just yelling for attention. For some reason (maybe because I'm used to her being such a quiet girl), the sound of her yelling is extremely triggering for me. So. Loud. So. Piercing. I immediately can't handle it. I'll have to get over it though! And/or find more escape routes. Is it okay for parents to wear ear plugs all day? haha. 
  • She's SOOOOO close to crawling. Scooching around a little bit, but I held her off as long as I could. I'm not really ready for her to start crawling because the kids still leave lego around, the floors are dirty and hairy (though I just bought a new vacuum to combat this problem), and we have to gate off the stairs. I would put things really close to her so she wouldn't have to try to crawl to get them. Alas. She's intrinsically motivated now to get on the move. I'll embrace it and cheer her on now :)
  • She can sit up reliably, and stand at her cube toy less reliably. Her legs get a little crossed and she falls over. She still likes the exersaucer which is great because it keeps her contained and prevents Dom from wrestling her to the ground and rolling around with her. She's going to be a tough cookie. 
  • She reminds me SO much of Dom. I can't even explain it. Her sounds, her mannerisms, her looks sometimes. I have flashbacks often. 
  • We are doing baby led weaning and it's going really well! I was hesitant because mess and it sounded like too much work and I was worried about choking. It's actually not sooo much mess (I usually just do one messier food per day), it's no more work than cooking for the rest of us (maybe less because there's less chopping involved... here's a quarter of a tomato. Go for it!), and I have refreshed my choking rescue knowledge so I'm confident with that. Bonus is that she loves it. 
    • Favourite foods: oatmeal, bananas and broccoli. She also thoroughly enjoyed the korean beef and rice I put on her tray yesterday. I was saying to Dave, "This is a lot of flavour for her," before she took her first bite. She takes a handful into her mouth and says, "MMMM!" and then goes back for more. 
  • She drinks water out of her little straw sippy cup. She drinks and then drools and then drinks and then chokes and then drools. Mostly it's just drooling/spitting out the water it seems like. 
  • We are officially transitioned to 2 naps now which was actually quite smooth. I am so much more relaxed than I was with Dom, and even Emilia. This time it's not like, "Okay... let's work on this transition! How are we going to do this?" This time it just kind of happened. So THIS is what it's like for people not to constantly battle anxiety about every single little thing... *rolls eyes at myself*. 
  • She loves to wrinkle her nose and snort at us or click her tongue for attention. That's her latest little game. 
  • She enjoys bath time, and sits in the tub scooching around to get to the toy she wants. She's accidentally dunked a couple times. Once she fell behind Emilia so it took me a second to get to her. She had taken in water and was shocked and coughing so I just watched her for a minute and then she started playing happily again once she coughed it all up. Oooookay then... She's also not phased at all when I pour water on her face. Third children I tell ya. Just take it as it comes. 
  • We got through the fussy phase between leaps 5 and 6 where they realize that Mom can walk away and they're left alone forEVER. Emilia hit that hard, and it didn't go away for at least 10 months (it was exhausting). Eva had a couple days where she'd cry when I put her down and I had a little PTSD from Emilia, but she seems to have gotten over it for now! Whew! 
  • Gramma and Grandpa took care of her and put her to bed for the first time last week and it went totally smoothly! I wasn't sure if she'd play strange a little, but apparently it was all just a non-issue. Perfect! 
  • When she laughs, it sounds like "hee hee hee"
  • She's starting to show interested in taking some steps while holding our fingers and surfing furniture. 
  • She sits on her bum and when she's thinking or looking around she folds her hands. It looks so proper and adorable. I need to get a picture of that. 
  • I am probably going to be done breastfeeding in the next week. If you read Emilia's 7 month post you'll see something very similar. I can go 24 hours now without feeding and not even be full. I still have to top her up after that one morning feed. She's no longer really interested in nursing during that feed, so I just do it to drain whatever is there. I think if I stopped this weekend I'd be okay. 
    • I'm a little emotional about it because what if this is my last baby (Jury is still out on that one, so don't ask!). However, mostly I'm proud of myself for taking it in stride, not stressing about it at all, and just making sure she's fed however she needs to be fed. Things are much easier that way. I'm also excited to get my body back to me 100%! I can eat what I want, when I want, exercise how I want, and go out when I want! 24 hour mommy vacation, here I come! 
  • She sleeps through the night 100% of the time. The time change didn't negatively affect her at all. In fact, she's started sleeping in longer in the mornings. Not going to complain about that! 
  • I thought I was going to get my period back last month, but it never came. I expect now that breastfeeding is done it will come back. I don't know if the D&C I had after my hemorrhaging back when she was 4 days old maybe affects the development of new lining for a while postpartum? Who knows. I'm okay not having a period for now. 
  • Dave has to work to get a good laugh out of Eva. I just look at her from across the room and she lights up. Perks of being Mom.
  • People most often comment on Eva's big round blue eyes. 
  • What we call her: Evie Eves, Eves, Eva Bobeeva
  • She sucks her thumb still, and hasn't attached to any objects. Dom was blankey obsessed by this point.
  • Eva's first Halloween! She went as a mandrake, which is the same as Emilia's first halloween costume.
  • She was baptized on October 24.
  • Went in the swing at the park recently and loved it.
  • Dances a little bit to music.
A typical day for Eva: 
Wake times - 2/2.5/2.75

730: Wake up & "nurse" (for like 4 minutes until she's bored) & 4oz bottle
830: oatmeal (and banana if I have time)
930-1130: Nap 
1130: 6oz bottle
100: lunch
2-330: Nap
330: 6oz bottle
5: dinner
600: 7oz bottle
615: bed

I wish you could go into having your first baby with the experience/knowledge of having your third. It's a very different experience!

Little wing fluffs on her hair <3

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