Saturday 16 October 2021

Eva - 6 Months

 Little Evie Eves is 6 months old! Half a year! She's so awesome and fits amazingly with our family. She's easy going, happy, and still lets Mommy sleep :)

Dominic at 6 months
Emilia at 6 months

Weight: 17.2 lb (90th percentile)
Height: 27 inches (71st percentile)


  • Avocado. It is the only food so far that she's tried that she was truly offended by. She wouldn't even eat food she likes right after. She lost trust in me after feeding her such a horrible thing. 
  • Size 6, 6-9 and 9 month clothing. I just pulled out the 9 month stuff this week thinking some of it might fit soon, and it's sort of fall/winter clothing from Emilia. Sure enough, she fits it. I swear she was in 6 month clothing for like two weeks. 
  • Size 2 diapers. When this box is done I think I'll be upsizing to 3 and exchanging our last box of 2's at Costco. 
  • No teeth yet... Yay! 
  • She just finished Leap 5 yesterday. The first week or so was pretty difficult, but by the end of it we could hardly tell. She doesn't seem to be overly affected by Leaps. Every baby is different. 
  • She likes to blow raspberries, especially when I feed her something messy...
  • She eats solids usually once per day (if I remember). Most of the time it's her oatmeal mixed with some other food. Foods she's tried so far: sweet potatoes, green beans, blueberries, broccoli, avocado, peanut butter... I think that's it. She has loved everything except for the avocado. 
    • I don't really have time or energy to prep baby food for her, but Kirsten is in the exact same stage with Wren, so she sometimes will bring over a little jar of puree when she makes a batch. Haaaallelujah! I maintain that Eva would probably not have tried many (if any) real foods were it not for this haha. I've started mashing up some of what we're eating if it's a pure ingredient though.
    • She doesn't quite have the coordination to get food to her mouth yet. Yesterday three puffs kept her busy for 20 minutes as she tried and failed over and over. It was frustrating for her, but at least she was busy. 
    • She has never decided to stop eating before the bowl is empty. I'm surprised how much she will eat in one sitting.
  • She is just starting to sit up this week, and can stand holding onto a toy relatively reliably. She also stood for a solid 3 seconds completely unassisted yesterday. Probably a one-off, but maybe all that jolly jumping made that vertical stance more attainable haha. She had her first sitting up bath with Phoebe yesterday. Hard on my back, but it was cute and she had fun. 
  • My breastfeeding journey with Eva is so similar to my one with Emilia. No real issues other than supply is low for no known reason. Just the way my body is! The last few days I've just been nursing her two times per day, and then pumping before bed. I nurse her in the morning when she first wakes up, do a bottle after her first nap, nurse her after her second nap, and then do a bottle after third nap and for bedtime. Occasionally depending how the day goes I'll nurse her after her third nap and then follow it up with solids, but she can be a little cranky then because she doesn't get enough from me. Even when I pump after not nursing for like 7 hours, I only get 4-5 ounces. She drinks 6oz per bottle, so we're not even in the ball park!
    • A benefit of this is that I can go out without having to worry about her or feeling engorged. It has been nice since I've returned to work 1 day per week. I feed her before I go, and then know she's totally fine until I get home at least. 
    • I pump before bed to avoid feeling uncomfortable overnight and into the morning, and so that I can give her a bottle of mostly breastmilk the next day as well. Formula is expensive! 
    • She drinks the Kirkland brand formula, but has never had a problem on any brand. 
    • She will take a bottle from anyone at this point. She looks deep into your soul as you're feeding her though which is pretty sweet and intimidating. Her huge blue eyes piercing you haha. 
  • She's such a happy girl. She giggles and smiles away much more freely than she used to. We always used to say she was such a serious baby. This last month, she's a lot easier to please though! Aunty Ashleigh even had her laughing so hard she snorted yesterday. 
  • She is much noisier in general that she used to be, but her voice is described as "airy". She sounds exactly like Emilia did at this age. I confused Dave when watching an Emilia video the other day. Lots of chatting and yelling and expressing her feelings with her voice.
  • She rolls everywhere, and is starting to show some interest in moving. She doesn't have the same drive that Emilia did, but more than Dom, so I'm curious how she'll progress. She also doesn't have a lot of quiet time to just lay there and figure it out. Someone is always in her face or she's contained to an exersaucer, bumbo, jolly jumper, etc. She will get up onto her elbows (or sometimes hands) and knees sometimes. 
  • She is still a tummy sleeper, and I've found she crinkles up her sleep sack or the sheets when she's sucking her thumb so they're often drenched when I get her up. Maybe time to introduce a lovey or something. 
  • She's a great napper and nighttime sleeper lately. She had a cold again and for a few days she was up between 4 and 530 because her nose was so stuffy. Since then though, she usually wakes up at that time and cries for a second and then goes back to sleep. 
  • She sleeps only in her crib in her room now, and during quiet time Emilia sleeps in our bed. It works for now. I do wish I had access to our room during that time, but this way Dom can still have quiet time to play and Emilia still gets a nap. She also feels special being in our bed. 
  • When she's tired she sucks her thumb and plays with her hair. 
  • Speaking of hair, she has had her second haircut already. That mullet is resilient!
  • We took her swimming this week at Fleetwood Pool. It was her first time in the water since Whistler when she was 3 months old. Oh my gosh. She loved it! No fear with this creature. She was kicking NON STOP in the water. She liked being held on her tummy kicking through the water. Had no concerns about water getting on her face. There was a point where I accidentally dunked her because I turned around to help Emilia. Oops... However, Eva held her breath I guess and was not upset about it at all. 
  • I'm expecting to get my first postpartum period soon. I got it by now after Emilia, and would be getting my cycle back very soon after Dom. 
  • I've been doing a lot better with my mental health since preschool is back in. I'm definitely still overdoing it some days, and with work being really busy leading up to our event in November, but there is greater balance and more Renee time. Whew. 

We finally have a "Typical day" I can note!
Wake times: 2/2/2/2 (she probably could go a little longer, but I like to preserve her bedtime)

700: Wake & breastfeed
9-1030: Nap 1
1030: Wake & 6oz bottle
1230-230: Nap 2
230: Wake & breastfeed
430-515: Nap 3 
515: Wake & bottle or breastfeed
700: 6oz bottle 
715: Bed

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