Thursday 17 June 2021

Eva - 2 Months

 This little lady is just 2 months old! Feels much longer! 

She is just a ray of sunshine in our household. She's so content, and the kids love her so much!

Weight: 11lbs 9oz (50th percentile)
Height: 59 cm (85th percentile)
Head Circumference: 40cm (92 percentile)


  • Bath time. Never a peep in that warm water
  • Music. She responds well to music and when I sing to her. Lots of smiles and attentiveness. 


  • The only time she cries really is when she's overtired or just as she's falling asleep. She's such a great baby <3


  • Size 0-3 and 3 month clothing. Size 1 diapers. 
  • She smiles and coos and gurgles at us, but is quite often a rather serious baby. Smiles don't come SUPER easily. 
  • Her first leap was pretty smooth. If I didn't know it was Leap 1, I wouldn't have thought there was anything going on. A couple days of fussier naps, but that's pretty normal newbie behaviour.
  • She's in the middle of Leap 2 now. I'm excited for next week when she's out of it and will be in another "sunny" phase. Then the smiles will come more easily!
  • At 6.5 weeks she was napping and was fussing more than usual, earlier than usual, in the middle of the night. I went to pick her up to feed her and found she had rolled over onto her back! I wasn't sure we were there yet... I just flipped her back to her tummy and she went back to sleep. 
    • She's done this a few times during naptime since then. It happens when she's crampy, so she curls her legs way up and then kicks and flails and turns herself over. I don't think it's intentional at this point. 
  • She rolls from her back to either side during playtime. 
  • I think she's ticklish. Right in her ribs. She gets all squirmy and smiley.
  • When she was around 5-6 weeks old she used to sneeze like Donald Duck. My favourite. Now she sneezes like a normal baby haha. 
  • She sucks her thumb at night to self-soothe. She's not great at it yet, but I catch her doing it sometimes when she wakes up "early". Early is just before her usual feed time. 
  • She will usually give us a 7 hour stretch for her first stretch of sleep. I think she's only been up to feed more than one time during the night one or two times in the last month. Occasionally she'll cry for a couple minutes on and off earlier on, but if I wait it out she'll go back to sleep. 
  • She laughs sort of... it sounds like a little cough. I remember this exact thing from Dom at this age. 
  • She lays on her play mat and kicks and hits her hanging toys. She loves when we come stand over her and chat with her. She kicks and flails and smiles and chats back. 
  • I had some anxiety about my milk supply this month the last week or so. I just felt like Eva wasn't feeding for as long, or acting as satiated. Emilia didn't gain weight from 2 months to 4 months and my supply had dipped, but I didn't realize it. I think that is causing anxiety this time around. I spent a weekend power pumping, and got my supply way back up by the Monday. Hopefully she can keep it up. 
  • She tends to be a rather lazy nurser. She takes a bottle well, and latches pretty well, but doesn't like to work past the letdown. Her latch is actually much better than it used to be now that I think about it. She used to click like crazy with every feed, but she can handle my letdown better now that she's a bit bigger/older. 
  • She has been napping really well, even through this second leap. She will usually cry and complain for 5-10 minutes before falling asleep, but then I can almost always count on at LEAST an hour, usually closer to a 2 hour nap. 
  • Her wake times are 60-75 minutes. I try to put her down 10-15 minutes before the end of her wake time, so usually once she's been up for 55 minutes or so. 
  • She much prefers to nap in her bassinet, but will do a nap on me if we're out and about as well. 
  • She's in the bassinet beside our bed for every nap and bedtime. I am looking forward to getting her into the nursery, but that means either I'll have to move the bassinet back to our room during the day or lose out on Emilia's nap space as she still naps in the crib so Dom can have quiet time in their room. 
  • I ventured out to the park with all three kids for the first times this month! It all went better than expected. 
  • She was a perfect angel at her 2 month appointment. I got more smiles and chats out of her then than I had all week. Until we jabbed her of course, but she was easily consolable. It is so much easier when you've done immunizations already 10+ times with previous kids. 

A Typical Day:

Our days vary depending on what time she wakes up, but let's say she's up at 6:30 for the day, this is sort of what it would look like ideally. 

630am: Wake & Feed
720am: Put down for nap
730-930am: Nap 1
930am: Wake & Feed
1030am: Put down for nap
1040-1240pm: Nap 2
1240pm: Wake & Feed
140pm: Put down for nap
150-350pm: Nap 3
350pm: Wake & feed
450pm: Put down for nap
505pm-630pm: Nap 4
630pm: Wake & feed
730pm: Put down for bed

She's usually fussy and ends up taking two shorter naps between 5pm and 8pm instead of the one longer one, but that's the goal. Most often she'll nap like... 505-545, then be fussy on and off. I'll try to put her down before 7 but she won't settle, so I'll give her a bottle or a good feed around 730/8 and she'll go right to sleep. Then if she's asleep by 8, she'll usually wake up to feed between 230 and 330, and then sleep until 630. USUALLY. 

Dom literally just sits and stares at her for extended periods of time. And he's the expert toe and finger jam picker...

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