Friday 7 July 2023

Lately - Summer Begins!

Figure I should try to get one more post in before we're off to the cabin for a week! All of a sudden it's summer time and nearly every day is packed full of fun, summery things! 

On June 22, Dom officially finished Kindergarten and summer vacation began!

Such a goober

She's become a little lady! <3

Bubble foam! Don't forget to do this at the cabin, future Renee!

June 23, we went for a BBQ at Michael & Matt's house and played outside in the pool/water table. Eva & Rachel were so cute together <3

In preparation for Dave's June 24 poker night, we decided to play heads up the night before. I whooped his butt haha! For some reason I play very well against Dave. Not sure I'd be any good at all with a group though. 

He's not a sore loser at all.

The morning of the 24th, Ash invited us out to a park by the Langley airport. 

Tried to capture Eva going down the slide. Not what I was expecting haha!

That afternoon we went to the Cloverdale fairgrounds Stetson Bowl for the RCMP Musical Ride! There were 25 RCMP on horses doing all sorts of formations and routines. We had to wait for a long time to get started and the kids started to get restless (Eva especially), but once it started, Emilia's smile could not be wiped from her face!

First sight of the horses

The 25th we went to Mom & Dad's place for Dad's birthday with Scott, Ash, Opa & Oma.

Aunty Lasagna had come over on Friday with the kids so I could get some errands done, and made these super fun and pretty "wands" with them <3

June 26 we had Emilia's 2nd horseback riding lesson. This time she got to ride a bigger horse, and it was just the one she wanted! Tinsel :) She did so great. Engaged with the trainer, tried new things, etc. 

I was up early one morning so decided to finish up the Perler bead organization haha. I know it's lame, but it makes me happy.

I also came across this from... I don't even know when. 2015? A very long time ago haha!

The weather is getting toasty again which means more outdoor sprinkler and water play

The kids have started playing mud kitchen which is awesome quiet, imaginative play.

We had some excitement one day when a firetruck came through the complex to someone's place due to an alarm going off. Everything was fine, and they were almost done their shift, so they invited all the curious kids to come check out the truck. The kids were of course much too nervous to participate, but us grown ups enjoyed it haha. 

Dave got to wear a jacket and take a picture haha

Look at Baby Nate growing up! <3

Last week Jeff asked if they could borrow a playpen from us. I had all the kids, but packed them up and brought them out to drop off the playpen. We sat down and had a coffee, and all 3 of my kids were playing so nicely I ended up staying for a glass of wine and some hang out time on the back patio. This is summer :)

Some special reading time in my bed with this girl. We are having a very hard time winding her down in the evenings so she's ready for bed. Trying to extend the routine, but it's hard when we're out right until bedtime most days!

Up and ready for the F1 Qualifiers on Friday morning!

Great race weekend. It was one of the more interesting/exciting races of the season with many overtakes, penalties, position swaps, etc. 

Saturday morning after the F1 Sprint, we met Phoebe & Aunty Ashleigh at the library. 

Had to go to the playground for a bit too, which means of course Eva sits in, scoots in, and buries herself in sand.

Saturday morning we watched the F1 race in Austria, and then went to the Canada Day celebrations in Cloverdale. I decided to walk there with Sherlock and Eva, and didn't realize until I went to enter the gate that dogs weren't allowed. I think I expected more of a food truck festival vibe as opposed to huge event/amusement park. Oops. Dave ran through the park (he'd driven down with the kids) and grabbed the dog and ran him home, while I took the kids in with Jeff, Marta & Owen. Bit of a gong show, but it worked out!

Dom & Emilia weren't keen on it, but the two littles went on two rides together. Owen took his driving gig very seriously here. Not sure he cracked a smile, but his face was so focused, his right arm was hanging out the "window", and his left arm casually steered the vehicle around in the circle while he carefully watched the road. He looked like such a responsible little human haha.

At the next ride, Owen wanted a different vehicle, but Eva went in this yellow car. I thought she'd panic being all on her own and separated from me, but she was just out there, living her best life. She's so different from her older siblings. Not afraid to try new things most of the time! I think her adventurous attitude rubbed off a bit on Dom as he then tried this Star Wars bouncy castle obstacle course thing twice afterwards.

Sunday morning we went to church. Emilia and Eva came down in matching dresses and I can't even <3

The Cornerstone crafts look like little South Park characters and it cracked me up.

How does one get their 2-year-old to sit/be relatively quiet in a church service? I'm assuming you just don't, but yeesh!

Sunday afternoon we went to Abbotsford for dinner and to celebrate Rebecca's birthday since we won't be able to be at her party later this month. There was much slip n slide play. Eva did a bit of that, a bit of swinging, and lots of quietly playing babies on the deck <3. The kids also played a lot upstairs in the playroom where there is a keyboard and a karaoke microphone so you can imagine how hilarious/adorable that was. 

Eva with her shirt pulled up over her head haha

Sleepy Sherlock. ZZzzzzz...
We bathed him last week and he looks so good and thin/fit! He looks better than he has in years :)

Monday we went to another park with Aunty Ashleigh and Pheebs, and then grabbed some lunch at their place. 

In the afternoon we went to Jeff & Marta's for dinner and splash pad water play. Emilia and I snuck off for her horseback riding again. She was notably less into it this time, which I wasn't understanding and was honestly feeling rather frustrated by. She voiced to me afterwards that she didn't like being the only kid in the class because she felt like the teacher was just watching her the whole time and she hates being the center of attention. She was also feeling a little sad that she had to leave the water play and was having some FOMO. I get that.

This time she got to ride Luna :)


Mom & Dad were at the cabin last weekend and sent pictures of these clouds. What on earth is going on here?! So beautiful and eerie. 
I cannot WAIT to go to the cabin with the whole fam next week!

Oh also we got new neighbours this week! It's always nerve-wracking getting new neighbours when you're in a townhouse and play outside often. It's a single mom (Kim) with 4 boys aged 8-15, and their shepherd named Scout. Super nice family it seems!
One evening Dave and I were on the back patio playing a game after bedtime and we saw their dog come up to the fence, but couldn't see much else because of the hedges. We heard Kim's voice, "Oh look Scout, a dog! You have a neighbour!" Dave and I chimed in, "Oh yes, that's Sherlock!" 
What Kim heard was different. Her coy, witty voice from over the hedges says, "I'm smart in other ways!" I realized she'd heard, "No shit, Sherlock." Hahaha
Nice way to meet a new neighbour I suppose! 

On Wednesday it was Grandpa's birthday, so we packed up the family and went to visit with them at Cultus where they were camping. The big kids were in a bit of a mood and acting bored. I just let them be bored and eventually they were all playing some fun, imaginative games. We went down to the beach and practiced wearing/swimming with life jackets which was great in preparation for the cabin. 

The campsite across the road was vacant, so that became ladder ball territory!

Playing Sowwy

Gramma put Eva's hair in a high pony and I can't handle the cuteness

She still has no fear in the water and absolutely loves it. 

Birthday cake for Grandpa. No candles, so Dave's hand was the flame

Yesterday and today has been spent primarily spent packing by me; working and helping out by Dave; and by the kids, following me around like little ducklings touching me and asking questions and buzzing with excited energy and therefore completely draining the life out of me haha! Kirstin gave the kids their Christmas presents early because they'll be perfect for the drive to the cabin, too. They've already been super fun for them! 

We also turned Eva's seat around to be forward facing for the drive. She's well over the minimum weight/age, and despises being in the car on longer drives, so we're hoping (and pretty confident) this will help!

They think it's pretty special because it looks like an ipad. Really it's no different than the magnetic drawings boards except higher quality and a button press to erase!

Emilia drew our family <3

It's so painfully overwhelming when I'm trying to organize and pack things and every time I turn around there is more mess. We'll do a clean up, and 5 minutes later it's back to this. We need a play room... Or for the kids to un-attach from the umbilical cords and leave me be for a bit. 

Dom: "I'm going to be like what Uncle Adam is when I grow up"... 
*Proceeds to draw lines and patterns on his drawing pad...
"Because I'm really good at like... strategy and stuff."

One benefit of slowly packing over the last week and a half is that I am organized in some ways! :)

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