Friday 18 November 2022

Emilia - 4.5 years old

Insisted on wearing her dress Gramma and Grandpa brought back for her from Hawaii

She really is as sweet as she looks. 90% of the time... haha

I did a little "interview" with Dom when he turned 4 and I forgot to do it with Emilia! 4.5 is close enough :)

Some other things to note about Emilia. 

  • She is totally finding herself now that she's in preschool by herself and she had 5 days away at Gramma and Grandpa's with just her and Eva (no Dom). The nurturing, artsy fartsy human I saw in her is finally starting to emerge. If she's home without Dom she now does drawing, plays baby/Mommy, sings and dances... does all the "girly" things.
  • Wears size 5 clothing, but pants always fall right off her or are too short. Size 9/10 shoes. 
  • She rides her Frozen 2-wheeler bike with training wheels really well, but on walks with the dog she still prefers to zip around on the Strider bike. 
  • At this point in time she is our most easy-going child. I think maybe she's just super middle-childed, but she's always the accommodating one, helpful one, encouraging one, etc. 
  • She is very attached to me, but we're able to talk about it now and she survived a week of Mom & Dad being away! We have a secret handshake we do before I drop her off at preschool, go out somewhere, put her to bed, etc. That seems to help. She was getting tummy aches frequently for weeks which I finally realized was anxiety and she was able to articulate that she's afraid she will wake up and I'll be gone forever. Dark. I know. However we haven't had tummy aches in a long time and we've been working with her on her anxiety. Or trying to anyway. 
  • If Dom isn't around, she's a pretty adventurous eater. She asked to try sushi even! Didn't love it, but did try it! She's the least picky eater, but feeds off her siblings unfortunately. Should be the other way around :)
  • Physical touch physical touch physical touch. And words of affirmation. Constantly getting hugs and kisses and cuddles and "I love you Mommy" from her. I try to reciprocate as it is not natural for me at all. 
  • I wish I could spend more time with just her. She'd love to just be there to help me cook dinner, do crafts with me, go for walks with me, etc. Poor middle child stuck between two highly emotional children. It is VERY rare that I get the opportunity to fully focus on her and have the energy to do so. May have to ask for outside help to facilitate that. 
  • She flip flops between not liking to go to preschool and not being able to wait to go to Kindergarten. It all comes down to not wanting to be away from Mommy, and wanting to be a big kid like Dom :)
Weight: 35lb 
Height: 41.5 inches

Interview with a 4.5 year old!

How old are you? 

What will you learn how to do when you are 4? Learn preschool

What are your favorite things to eat for supper? Pizza 

When you are a grown up, what will your job be? Clean up dinner

Who would you like to marry? You (Mommy)

How many kids would you like to have? One baby

If you could be any animal, what would you be? A giraffe. Because I love giraffes. I like to see their long necks

What do you want to be for next Halloween? Elsa (for the third year in a row)

Where would you like to go for a holiday?  To Rebecca's house

What is your favorite movie? "Let it go, let it gooo!" That movie. Frozen

What are your favorite songs? Let it go?

What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Cook

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Play videogames

What makes you happy? When I go home from preschool

What makes you sad? When other people do bad things to me. Like when they say bad things. Sometimes my brother does that.

What is your favorite animal? Giraffe

What is your favorite book to read? Frozen

Who do you love most in the whole wide world? Mommyyy! 

What is your favorite shirt to wear? Shirt? Or dress. My green flower dress

What is your favorite weather? The sun!

What is your favorite toy? Dom's garbage truck

What is your favorite food to eat for breakfast? Oatmeal

What is your favorite grown up in our family? Mommy 

What is your favorite fruit? Grapes

What is your favorite vegetable? Strawberries

What is your favorite treat? Candy!

How tall is Daddy? I don't know... 100 feet tall!

Would you rather eat a piece of cake or a cookie? Why? Cake! Because I like cake?

Where would you go if you could fly? Ohh. I would fly to Rebecca's house in Abbotsford!

Would you like to swim like a fish? Yes

What do strawberries smell like? Strawberries

What would Sherlock say if he could talk? Ruff! Helloooo

How tall are you? 4 feet. Dom is 4 feet... 3 feet!

What colour would you be if you could be any colour? Pink

What is love? Like you love a person. I can't explain it.

What do you love about Gramma & Grandpa/Opa & Oma? Gramma and Grandpa: Their rocking chairs. Opa and Oma: The marble run

Which shape is your favorite? Circle

What do you like to draw? My Mommy

What makes you laugh? When people do silly things

What does Daddy do for work? He works?

What does Mommy do for work? She works and gives food to people

Where do you live? In a townhouse

What do you like most about yourself right now? That I get to watch TV...

What do you think your parents do all day? Daddy works. Mommy cooks all day!

Why do you go to school? Because they are school days

What's your favorite part about school? Making crafts!

What makes you really annoyed? When people are being really noisy

What do you think is the worst thing that could happen? Getting yelled at

What makes you feel proud? Sleeping

What do Mommy & Daddy call you? Wheelia

What do you do when you feel sad? I ask Mommy if we can do something happy! Like cook something good for myself like a cookie.

What's a question you would like to ask me? I just love you!

What's your favorite drink? Wine

Who's the coolest person on earth? God!

When you were little what did you do? Crawl

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