Monday 5 December 2022

Getting Healthy & Start of Advent

Okay so we are now out of what was likely the most difficult week of parenting in our almost 6 year history. Including newborn days, etc. All three of our kids and both of us got COVID. For the most part it was relatively manageable, but Eva did give us some cause for worry. Her fevers were very high and persistent, her cough was very painful, she didn't sleep day or night, and she got very dehydrated causing constipation and extreme abdominal pain which manifested as hysterical screaming and ended up in us driving around trying to find a doctor to see her. 

Anywho. We are on the other side now, but here's our life for the last week and a half or so.

Dom's first day back to school and it was late start, but I forgot. We zipped to Timmy's and got a donut to share. I sooo rarely get one on one time with any of the kids so it was a nice moment.

Dom finally has a bed! He's been on a mattress on the floor for two months. We got a good deal on this on marketplace and he's loving it. It opens up the floor so much in his room too which is great because it's not a big space. 

Her curls were beautiful, but this girl's mullet needed some help. Eva got her first toddler haircut.

Her hair is still unruly, but less 80's :)

Dom's angel he made in school. Very angelic...

He also brought home a potpourri yummy smelling mix! We made it and then realized we'd all mostly lost our sense of smell from the Covid.

I sent an SOS to my parents on Saturday morning. I was not doing ok. The kids were not doing ok. Dave was not doing ok. We needed a change of scenery. Thankfully my parents also both had Covid (we did not get it from each other, just a freak coincidence), so they were willing to have us over for a couple hours in the morning. Just the break I needed. 

Saturday night and this girl would. not. sleep. The two nights prior she screamed on and off throughout the night, but this night she went longer and harder, keeping Emilia awake. I ended up bringing her in bed with me and neither of us got any sleep. She was having extreme abdominal pains and threw herself around the bed screaming and thrashing most of the night, completely inconsolable. Hello terrifying! 
We got her a suppository in the morning because we knew she was having issues going to the bathroom, and her symptoms checked boxes for constipation. It did help, but she woke up from her nap again in extreme pain. I'd never seen anything like it from her. It was scary and so so sad. She wouldn't even let us touch her. We brought the big kids to Mom & Dad's and tried to go to urgent care, but they were full. No doctors could see us/were open, 811 had a long wait, and the hospital is completely overflowing with children so we knew that wasn't an option. I finally just went and talked to a Pharmacist. He recommended some Restoralax and with some tummy massages, restoralax, a walk, etc. she's getting back on track. 
I'm glad it wasn't something more serious, but it got me thinking like.. what if it was?! I had no options. I feel very deeply for the parents who are sitting there with their sick children unsure of what to do. Our system is broken. 

Adam knew we were struggling and asked if there was anything he could get for us. I said, "Food?" And he said, "Sure, what do you need?" "I don't know... yogurt? I don't have the brain space or time to actually think about that haha." He then showed up with this haul from Save On. Oh my gosh that was so appreciated. It got us through the next few days and contained some luxuries we wouldn't normally get for ourselves :)

It was so amazing to see her starting to be her normal self again. That week of being sick has changed her. She is much more clingy with me and is resistant to diaper changes, face wipes, going to bed, etc. We're having to work at that, and it's slowly getting better.

Found Emilia's mask :)

Last Wednesday was a snow day! I had spent the previous day organizing the kids' rooms and toys, so it was great timing. They were also feeling back to normal, so spent a ton of time playing outside in the snow. Thank the maker they are big enough to go out without me now!

Creative use of pretzels

Dave redid his theatre. I'll have to ask him for before and afters, but we christened it with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Suuuuch a classic.

Oh hello stubborn toddler. It was so cold, but she REFUSED her jacket, gloves and hat. I guess she'd rather be freezing and miserable than get properly dressed.

These are the plants that started just as one leaf from Marta's plant. We grew the roots and planted them in the summer. They're thriving and the kids love to check on their plants.

I filled the van from empty for less than $100. That is definitely worth noting! Gas was at $1.56ish which is much easier to take than the $2.30 it was a couple months ago.

Opa & Oma came for some dinner and games. Eva loves her Opa.

Last Friday we had our AGM and quarterly Board meeting for work. It was followed up with a Christmas lunch at Valley Commons Bistro & Tasting Room in Fort Langley which was deelicious. I'll be back for a date night or something sometime for sure. 

Advent season!! A couple years ago I started doing this advent calendar with the kids. Every day we do some sort of activity. It's a bit of a hefty undertaking, but the dollar store provides so many fun easy crafts, there are lots of Christmas movies out there, and on a day when something isn't working out or something we just "go for a walk" or "have dinner with ____". As long as they pull it out of the box it feels special :)

Day 1: Window stickers

Day 2: The Grinch

Day 3: Gingerbread house

Just so grateful we're all feeling better <3

Part of my organizing carried over to the main floor and their craft supplies. They found their pens and workbooks and worked away for quite a while. Ahhhh peace. All this extra down time has been excellent for Dom especially.

No pictures, but Dave had a poker night on Saturday night which I always enjoy. It fills his bucket and I get a quiet evening upstairs to watch whatever I want, or can go watch/play some poker. There's always snacks and drinks and I have to do none of the planning, prep or cleanup. Perfect haha. 

Owen & Eva sharing an awkward goodbye kiss after crepe breakfast at Mom & Dad's yesterday

So this big snow we had... We have a new plow company for our complex I guess, and they plowed a bunch of the snow into 2 of our 7 visitor parking spots in the complex. What the heck. Jesse & Dave spent nearly two hours out there yesterday hacking the ice pile and moving it out of the spots, not that we really need them. 

Many neighbours stopped to appreciate them, and some came bearing gifts

Advent Day 4: Shrinky Dinks! 
Got this shrinking keychain craft at the dollar store and Mom informed me that when she was growing up they were called Shrinky Dinks haha

Definitely felt like magic for them

So proud of their keychains! 
Great craft if you're looking for something for this age.

I have gotten a really good start on Christmas shopping! Lots of Homesense and Superstore (with my PC points). I'm also letting the big kids pick out a gift or two for each other. We don't normally do that, but I think it will be good for them to learn how to be generous givers as well as grateful receivers. 
There are a lot of people to buy for this year though... 

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