Thursday 5 January 2017

Thankful Thursday - 72

Boy oh boy! What a week! SO much to be grateful for this week. It's hard to decide where to start!

We had our newborn photos done this week! This isn't even one of them. It's just one David snuck with his iPhone! I cannot WAIT to see them!! <3

1. Amazing Support. Our friends and families have been so incredibly willing to help out where possible. We are overwhelmed with the support we've received this last week. Our hearts are so full! (I'll have to ask David's parents to send us the ones of them with baby! The following photos are my mom (Oma) and dad (Opa) with Dom on day 1!)

2. Mr. Dominic is gaining weight! We had a midwife appointment/check-up yesterday and the midwife was very encouraging. Dom was back up to 7lb. 13.5 oz; up 50g from his last check-up. Basically she said we were doing great and to keep doing what we're doing. We've been breast-feeding still, but if he's not latching properly, or if I'm too tired, I will pump and David will bottle-feed expressed breast milk mixed with formula. I find this SO much more relaxing! I can track what my output is and what his intake is. These are both very important things when we have concerns about my supply and his weight gain! I have a lactation consultant appointment tomorrow morning as well. Hopefully we can figure some things out there! Things are going better but there is still lots of room for improvement and reassurance. 

3. A day of "normal". Yesterday was our best day yet. We had gotten 5.5 hours of sleep the night before (broken up), and had a few things planned for the day. Our doula, Joc (Joss) came by for a visit in the morning. It was so great to see her again and be able to properly thank her for all she did with our labor & delivery. She was such an amazing support for both of us, and it would have been a different story if she wasn't there! At 1215pm, we headed out to our midwife appointment and were a bit early, so we stopped by Starbucks and had a few minutes of normal. Whew! After our appointment, we came home, did a feed, and then went out for a walk with the dog in the sunshine. It was such a beautiful and cold day! So nice to get outside!

First family selfie!

4. So many babies! There have been so many new babies born in the last week and a half! Lots of girls too! Looks like Dom will be surrounded! ;) *I didn't ask permission to post people's baby photos, so here's a photo from a couple weeks ago of Dom with his soon-to-be best friend! Katrina is 32 weeks in this photo and I was 38 weeks... It is so hard to believe I was this big... Seems like ancient history. 

5. A supportive husband. Now this doesn't come as much of a surprise to me, but David has been so incredibly amazing these first 9 days. He is up with me to help with feeds, he is encouraging us to eat and get outside, he is helping out with the dog, he is building me up every chance he gets. I cannot imagine doing this without him by my side. 

He's a natural

6. Sherlock is so great with Dom. He is curious, but mostly he seems almost protective. It's like Dom was integrated seamlessly into our "pack". Sherlock likes to sleep close to him, and always checks up when he makes little peeps. He's very gentle, and really seems to love our new addition... PHEW!!!

Dark photo, but Sherlock is passed out upside down next to the swing Dom was sleeping in <3

Dom checking out his new digs. Sherlock checking in on Dom

You can see how calm Sherlock is while Dom is crying. Just watching... so gentle


During newborn photos


Hef Robe

What are you grateful for this first week of January?

1 comment:

  1. You seem so "in the groove" already! Good job getting out, it feels so good to do normal things.
    I remember when Brayd would wake up with me in the night and just talk with me or watch Netflix with me with I fed Henry. It's so nice to not be alone during those long late night feeds. You guys are doing a great job supporting each other!!
