Tuesday 10 January 2017

Dominic - 2 Weeks Old!

Ready for a disorganized, rushed, unedited post? Here goes! 

Our little Dominic is already (only?) two weeks old!

Every day is a new adventure with a newborn. Once we think we have it figured out, something changes. Today, things have been changing for the better!

If you recall my post last week, we were struggling with breastfeeding as I had low milk supply and we were working to have D gain weight and get back to his birth weight. Well... one week later, and the irony is real... I now have/had an over-supply of milk. D had become colicky and was screaming 3-4 hours in the evenings, and very fussy between feeds. David changed one of his diapers and said, "Whoa! Why is his pooh green?" I recalled reading something about green newborn poop so we googled it and literally every single symptom for over-supply of breastmilk matched our situation. 

  • Fussing
  • Pulling off the breast
  • Colicky crying
  • Gassiness
  • Spitting up
  • Hiccuping
  • Explosive frothy green poops
  • Red bum (he has terrible diaper rash)
  • Powerful letdown (causing choking and sputtering)
Oh this poor baby and my poor body. We can't seem to get into a rhythm that works! With a day of trying out some tricks I read on the internet his digestive tract seems to be doing better. He is much less fussy, and his poops are starting to get more normal. Hoping this is the new trend and it keeps getting better as well!

We had a lactation consultant appointment last Friday, January 6 because we'd been having all these struggles with feeding. Naturally, we go to the appointment with a very hungry baby and he is a perfect angel. He latches perfectly every time, burps like a champ, and doesn't even cry. ARG! Classic! That made it hard to get all the advice we needed from the LC (lactation consultant) because she couldn't really see the issues we were having or help us tackle them head-on. 
That being said, because she witnessed a successful feed, she encouraged us to cut out the formula and do our best to exclusively breastfeed when possible, topping up with expressed breast milk if need be. We have been doing that since, and will do 1-2 sessions per day where David feeds Dom the bottle and I pump (usually to allow me some extra rest). 

With this new plan, David is able to get a LOT more sleep. I am still downstairs on the couch, as that's where the TV is, while he sleeps soundly upstairs. If I'm having a really hard time or need some support I just give him a call and he comes down. 

On Monday, January 9, we had a midwife appointment/prenatal class and got to check D's progress since starting the new plan. At the LC appointment he weight in at 8 lb. At the midwives on Monday, he was up to 8 lb 3.5 oz. That's a gain!! We're getting closer to his birth weight of 8 lb. 8 oz. Hopefully we will be there by our next appointment next Monday. I will continue feeding every 2-3 hours during the day, and every 2.5-3 hours at night, with one longer break. Here's hoping my milk supply is balanced so he's getting enough of the hindmilk (fattier, richer milk that comes after the foremilk which is sweeter and closer to skim milk). 

Anyway, enough about breasts and breast-milk. Let's talk about the baby!
Today has been a good day. He's not fussy (despite his awful diaper rash), he's sleeping soundly between feeds as long as he's had enough, and he's barely cried all day!

Dominic's Quirks?
  • He snores. I actually had to pick him up and change his position slightly last night because his snoring was keeping me awake. He doesn't snore every time he's sleeping. Must have a stuffy nose or something going on there!
  • He is having more awake time. I love the faces he pulls when he's awake. He is such a little sweetheart. 
  • I am wondering if he'll keep his blue eyes! Babies are almost always born with blue eyes, and they change to their "official" colour by the time baby is about 6 months old usually. So his eyes could still turn brown or green, but right now they're definitely blue! :)
  • If he is sleeping lightly, he makes these crazy noises that sound like a mix between a dolphin and a chipmunk. Very bizarre. 
  • He's only peed on us a couple times... Usually we catch it with the diaper just in time!
We have booked Dominic's 2 month immunizations for February 27th, and I'm thinking about booking his circumcision with Dr. Pollock for next week. I'm nervous about it! Not looking for opinions, but encouragement is appreciated! ;)


Sherlock trying to see his baby in the bassinet.

He so badly wants to sleep under the basket, but the bars are in the way!

Dominic, meet Isla Smith! Congratulations Kerriann & Tony!

Now that's the milk drunk face we love to see!

My sweet thing in the middle of the night last night. His hand looks huge. Such a cutie pie!

Showing off how good he can be at the prenatal class! Slept soundly almost the whole time! (Just woke up very hungry at the end...)

There were three other babies in our group as well. Their birth dates were Dec 28, Jan 2 and Jan 6. Dom was BY FAR the biggest! He was bigger when he was born than any of them are at 1-2 weeks of age. Yikes! They all looked so tiny!

Some tummy time trying to air out that bum! Sherlock was very curious about the baby being on the floor.

Cute photo other than the soaker pad he's laying on! Haha. Some nakey wakey baby time! 

Well... Dominic is sleeping and we don't have to feed for another 45-60 minutes. That means its time for me to nap as well! Until next time!


  1. Dr. Pollock is really good! I was super nervous too (but I think that's normal😃).

  2. Haha "not lookin for opinions".

    You guys are doing so, so well!

    Love the pic of Dom and Isla 😄
