Saturday 5 October 2024

Dave is Home! - Remainder my time while he was away.

I don't know where to begin... It's been a long time since I posted - so much has happened... 

I will break it up into a few posts I think. Let's start with the remainder of the time while Dave was away! Over all the time he was away went really well. (I think haha. It was a long time ago). The hardest part was just being on my own every evening for bedtime. During the day we had lots to do, kids were in school, we had dinner help some days, and there's something different about parenting when it's just you. It's like there's no one to fall back on, so you just have to do it. 

First of all, this beautiful shot from the Walk of Hope on September 8!

I watched Oliver and Company with the kids. It was way scarier than I remember haha. When they kidnap the little girl?! Yikes. Us poor 90's kids growing up with all these traumatic movies haha.

Went for dinner at Jeff & Marta's one day

I couldn't find Dom & Eva and we finally heard some giggling and found them hiding in the bath tub haha!

Uncle Reynold & Juanita came to town to surprise Aunty Sonya for her 60th birthday. One Saturday we all went to my parents house for an impromptu Crepes breakfast. From there the kids and I went to a birthday party for our friend Myles!

Shiloh! He's already changed so much <3

From there the kids and I went to a birthday party at a Maple Ridge farm for our friend Myles!

So many goofy animals to feed!

Eva and Dom loved the zip line. Dom went on it dozens of times and got sooo filthy from all the mud splattering off the line.

So much splatter haha!

No pictures, but Saturday night Juanita, Rachel and Katie came over for some wine in the evening and we had such a fun visit! 

On the Sunday, the kids were all sort of sick of each other, and I was struggling in the morning, so I put out a message to the family asking if anyone could help out in any way. Jeff & Marta picked Dom up and went skating and then to McDonald's for lunch. Such a special treat for Dom, and fun for Owen to hang out with his big cousin (hero) too :)

In the afternoon, Juanita came over to hang out and help out, and then Aunty Sonya came by before her party too so we could all get ready together. It was fun to have some girl time! Juanita brought goody bags for the kids and that kept them occupied which was super helpful too.

Temu impulse purchase - this feelings pillow :) We have another one with affirmations on it too.

Thanks, Dom for the nice picture of our hairdos!

Loved watching these relationships form!

Fire hazard? Where?! Hahaha 60 candles in the hat. Terrifying

Uncle Arie & Aunty Pam have the perfect back yard for all these kids! We hardly saw them. They were just off exploring and playing the whole time.

It was great to celebrate with our beloved Aunty Lasagna :)

On Monday Elissa and the girls came over after school and brought us dinner. Soooo appreciated and super fun! It gave me a glimpse of what it would look like to live in a village where families consistently helped each other out and shared the load. It would be a different life entirely. 

These girls are inseparable <3

Eva and I met up with Ash, Phoebe and Shiloh at Williams Park one beautiful morning for some play and a walk. 

This nuggettttt! My heart is so full with all these nephews and nieces. Especially since I'm done having my own littles, so I can actually enjoy them <3

Phoebe encouraging Eva during a nervous moment <3

Tuesday all the kids were at school. I had to go in to work, but it worked! I also found out that morning that Dave was coming home a day early! Eva's face here is how I was feeling about that haha! 

She is lovvvving preschool! Bless her heart. Such a sweet girl.

Dave got home right before Emilia and I came home from horseback riding that evening and surprised all the kids. So great to have him home! I'll have to share some of his amazing photos from his hiking trip once he's done editing them. :)

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