Wednesday 11 September 2024

School is Back! Goodbye Summer!

Holy cow time is flyyinnnggggg!! Summer vacation is over, school has started, and Dave is now on a 9 day hiking trip with his dad and a friend in Glacier National Park, Montana. Godspeed to me... 

With the kids back in school, I'm using TV to distract Eva so I can do this haha... Bluey to the rescue!

The last blog I posted was when we came back from camping, which seems like an eternity ago. So... here's the latest!

August 24 was Scott & Ashleigh's due date, so we decided to squeeze one last games night in to learn this new game, Wingspan. It's a good one! Once you figure out what you're doing :)

August 25 I took the kids to church, which happened to be an interactive, outdoor service. We shared snacks together, did a little exercise, and then were given free reign to explore the farm property! The kids absolutely loved it! 

In the afternoon, the girls and I went to IKEA to get a couple things for Eva's new big girl bed. Eva wanted us all to hold hands and started chanting, "TEAM GIRL!!! TEAM GIRL!!!" as we walked around the store. 

On August 26 I was back to St. Paul's Hospital to redo my HHT bloodwork. Apparently my first round didn't get connected to my requisition. Doh! Long commute for a 3-minute blood test. 

The 26th is also Sherlock's birthday! He turned 10. Hard to believe! He's doing so great for being 10 :)

On August 27 some school families were meeting up at Penzer Park in Langley. We joined and Dom rocked it on his mountain bike! 

Cheering on Makenna

On the 29th we went to Mom & Dad's for dinner and a walk. 

The magic of new library books

We walked down to Fleetwood Park and all our kids made good use of the water features!

August 30 was Owen's 3rd birthday! They invited us to go skating with him during the day. We went to Fleetwood which was great. We gotta get Dom out there more often. He just loves it! Needs the next size up in skates though!

He always looks so grown up when he's in his hockey gear and all sweaty

Absolute must to stay to watch the zamboni!

That evening, Aunty Sonya watched the kids for us so we could go on a little date night! We went to Earls and then down to the beach to watch the sunset.

The kids didn't have any fun at all haha!

Out like a light!

August 31st, Dom went to a birthday party in the morning for a friend from school. In the afternoon we all went to Owen's birthday party! 

Definite splash pad weather!

Happy birthday little O!

September 1st rolls around! We all went to church in the morning. I stayed for a meeting so Dave took the kids home. They stopped by a car show and he got a picture of each of them in front of their favourite car.

In the afternoon, I took the kids back to Jeff & Marta's house for some leftover party food and splash pad time since it was hotttt. 

At 11pm that night, we welcomed our newest little nephew/cousin! Shiloh Peter Gerber was born and he is just the cuuuuutest little baby! <3 We love him so much already!

Dom's face when he heard it was a boy. He was sooo hoping for another boy cousin!

September 2, the day before school was set to start, we made one last family trip to the zoo! Dom asked in the morning if we could go, and I had no good reason to say no. It was a cooler day and it was PACKED at the zoo. Glad we got the pass this year though. We've made the most of it already!

The bigger lion is named Castle. He's HUGE. Apparently he was born in an Ontario zoo, and they had him neutered. So his body produced excess growth hormone instead of testosterone. He is likely the largest lion in the world.

Apparently there are 3 snow leopards now. They were all chasing each other around and pouncing on each other.

The baby deer!! The sweetest <3

The kids' favourite part. Of course the gravel sensory experience at the playground.

September 3 brought our first day back to school for Dom & Emilia! Dom is in Grade 2, and Emilia is in Grade 1, in a 1/2 split. I wasn't sure how to feel about the 1/2 split, but she has an amazing teacher, and I'm pretty confident she'll be a great fit. I was worried about D&E's friend groups crossing, and they have a little, but they don't seem to mind.

Back on Blue that evening <3

September 5 was Eva's first day of preschool!!! She's been watching the kids get dropped off at school for years now, and was feeling excited and a little nervous to start preschool. Let me just tell you, that was the easiest first day drop off ever! She marched in there so confidently and stayed that way the whole time. The next class was a little bit tougher, but she feels more excited for tomorrow now. She's excited to have something that's just hers, and to make some friends. 

I'm excited... for the first time in 7.5 years I'm about to have two days per week with no kids at home!! Wild.

Bye, Eva!

Casually reading the van manual while waiting to pick up Dom & Emilia. 

September 6 I had a full day work meeting, and then somehow an impromptu dinner was planned at Mom & Dad's and the whole family (all 17 of us) were able to make it! I mean let's be real... everyone was just excited to see Shiloh haha. 

He's so squishy <3

The uncles took the toddlers to the park!

Grandbaby #7, with #8-to-be!

Owen took this baby-holding business very seriously. Both hands under Shiloh. He was moderately concerned when he felt some activity on his hands, and also had the forethought to ask his mom to scratch an itch on his face since his hands were trapped. We've all been there buddy! Haha
He's so ready to be a big brother!

I think Eva would have held him all day if we let her. She is in love.

Dave took off with Dom & Emilia to the Back to School BBQ during the dinner and they had sooo much fun. I was planning to go, but baby snuggles won :)

On the 7th in the morning, Dave did some Maternity/Family photos for Jeff & Marta. In the afternoon we both went out to Scott & Ash's to do some newborn/family photos for them! I was mostly there as a toddler entertainer, but I also got some excellent snuggles in! The shoot went amazing and the pictures are so great! I don't have them now, but here's the behind the scenes look haha.
Phoebe was very serious about participating in the shoot. She is a natural leader haha!

September 8th was the Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope in Vancouver! I raised $1,000 towards the cause, and we all did the walk with/for Aunty Sonya! It's an honour to be there and I'm glad that we could support her. Dave was the official event photographer/videographer again as well :)

Eva's face! Haha

We went to Myles' house to play and have some lunch after the walk. That was enough for this girl! She never sleeps in the car, so this was a big surprise. She also did NOT like being woken up and screamed at me for 10 minutes straight after. Not sure it's worth the trade-off. At least she still slept that night!

Very early yesterday morning, Dave headed out for his 9 day trip. I have things in my schedule to keep us busy, and the kids are in school, so I think/hope we'll be okay! I mean I know we'll be okay, but I hope we'll thrive :)

When he gets home, the next day I have my embolization procedure at St. Paul's, and then the day after that we go to Kelowna for my cousin's wedding for the weekend. I'm feeling a little anxious about that time, but also am looking forward to a little trip without the kiddos!


We made a trip to Spirit Halloween. Not my favorite spot or "holiday", but it is Dave's, so we do it every year! Nothing like giant spooky witches and clowns to settle the kids down before bed! Haha...

I decided that the desk we had in Dom's room would be better utilized in the girls' room. Since we had moved Eva into the big girl bed and gotten rid of the crib, the desk took that spot. Emilia is very excited. She has yet to use it, but at least she feels special.

Eva still recovering from camping sleep loss, dropping a nap, and being in a big girl bed. I was showering one evening and Dave was outside with the kids. I came out of the shower and noticed she wasn't outside with them. I checked everywhere, in all the kids beds, under beds, bathrooms, etc. Finally I found her hiding under the covers fast asleep in our room. This girl does NOT like being woken up, so this is always a dangerous game haha.

Stay-at-home date night

Dom is crushing his new to us rollerblades!

Eva was feeling nervous about starting school, so Emilia took her upstairs and sat her down to say all sorts of encouraging things about preschool, and how it's okay to feel nervous, and how Mommy always comes back, etc. etc. Doing and saying all the right things! She's a natural <3

Some quiet play-doh time. Magic.

Walking her puppy to the park.

I made some giant bubble mix one day. I played with it much more than the kids, but whatever haha.

Practicing for holding baby cousins

The girls let me do their hair one day! Unheard of

We ordered in Indian food for our Sep 6 meeting. Oh man. I'm drooling again just thinking about it. 

This poor girl has been having on and off night terrors the last few weeks. So scary. We can't leave her in her bed because it wakes Emilia, so I take her downstairs kicking and screaming and incoherent and just sit with her until she calms down and eventually falls back to sleep. We then put her back in her bed and she has no recollection the next day. Wild.

Love these love-bomb notes from Emilia. Also love how she spells "special-est"... speshooist

Silly tree in our neighbourhood

I made a delicious Old Fashioned one evening for Dave and I. *chef's kiss*

This boy put himself to bed one evening

"It's my Infinity Gauntlet"

A walk to the park with Jesse & Kirstin. Wren & Eva walking Sherlock for me haha

I had a bit of time after Eva's school drop off yesterday. I did some chores at home and then took Sherlock to Tynehead for a nice walk!

Eva had to come to work with me for a minute today, so we photocopied our hands :)
I remember doing this as a child at my Dad's office. Core memories!

Speaking of core memories, we watched Inside Out with the kids the other day. Dom loved it, Emilia was confused, and Eva cried every time Sadness or Bing Bong were on the screen haha.

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