Tuesday 25 May 2021


 Missed Thankful Thursday last week. What, am I busy or something?! Obviously... Anyway! Here's what we've been up to lately.

Let's start off with some random baby spam. This girl is generally super content and I'm soooo happy about it! Once she's fed, she just sits and looks around for 25 minutes until her next nap time, and then after I put her down awake she's most often asleep within 5 minutes and sleeps for 1.5-2 hours. (That's if I get her to bed on time. If I'm late by even 10 minutes it's game over)

Evening chats with Daddy

Mom bought me this sweater from Costco when I was quite pregnant and I loved how it sat, and that it could zip up and didn't show the bottom of my belly. It was chilly this week, but I had to get out for a walk with the dog, so I wrapped up Eva, and attempted to zip my sweater over her. To my surprise, it worked! So handy! I did get stopped by a gentleman who at first thought I was pregnant and then noticed the head peeking out and had to tell me about how confused he was haha.

Rare snuggles

Dom just LOVES her so much. Always wants to be close to her, hold her hand, share his blanket, etc.

If you follow @busytoddler on instagram, you've seen bubble foam before. I made some last week and it was great fun!

Playing hockey in the sun (an almost daily occurence)

More baby spam

Hup Holland Hup!

Snuggle this Muggle! We hardly ever go anywhere so I find she is just in jammies 90% of the time. I try to put her in regular clothes every so often because there's something about a baby wearing big people clothes <3

Dave was out shooting a fancy Porsche on Saturday, so it was just me and the kids and the dog! They both were up so late the night before (while Dave was also out working), and woke up early, so it was a rough start to the morning.

Dom's lego creation. He has these sets of lego that he's stopped following instructions on, and just makes his own things out of the pieces. I'm always so impressed with what he builds, and the symmetry and functionality of them! I love Lego... so glad he does too! Great for his brain :)

Water play in her Elsa dress

My 3rd blue eyed babe

Said Porsche. One of a kind! Dave has been putting lots of work into the video side of Kimber Images, and has updated his website to reflect this! Video will become more of a focus, and Dave is working towards his dreams and goals! I'm very proud of him :)
See his updated website! You may even recognize a couple people in his projects page. 

Someone was not ready to wake up yet apparently!

We went to Gramma and Grandpa's and had dinner there! First time since Thanksgiving!! The kids were SO excited, and played the entire time. We got to have a wonderful visit, and they got some real snuggles in with Eva. We didn't wear masks for the first time in a very very long time, and it felt so so good. All 4 of us are vaccinated, and we feel it was just time. Very much time. 

Such a snug <3

Emilia didn't want to miss out on the snuggles either apparently

Dom came down from Quiet time one day while I was resting and he and Dave had a visit on the back patio :)

On Sunday morning Dave suggested we go to the zoo as something fun and to get out of the house. It was a chilly day, but the rain held off. It was also WAY busier than we were expecting! Long weekend, duh...

Hands on his hips watching the train

Dom and Emilia have been asking to go on the train, so we agreed this time! 

The girls ready to go!

How Eva started the train ride...

How Eva finished the train ride.

Emilia was just living her best life on that train. Wow. I had no idea she'd be so excited. She kept telling me, "This is so fun! Me having fun!" She smiled ear to ear the whole time, and waved and said hello to all the animals we passed. Adorbs.

She never sleeps in the car seat. This was exciting :) Also, she just looks so cozy!

I wish I could take her to Disneyland. Such a fun age. So excited about everything, and doesn't fight a lot with me, so I think it would be a great time. 

Dom decided his legs didn't work after lunch. There was a long time of me reminding Dave and I that #being4isfine. We packed up and headed home, but that's the nice thing about having a pass, is that it's not like we feel that we wasted money! Who cares if we have to go home early, or one kid is in meltdown mode?!

Yesterday we dropped the big kids off at my parents for the day. Dave and I spent the whole morning purging/organizing/putting away toys. We've been feeling like the toy supply was out of control, so we have some packed downstairs for a toy rotation, and have organized their room with buckets and labels. It makes more sense now, and hopefully we can avoid them playing at night too much, and making TOO much mess during the day. It just overwhelms them. Emilia came home for nap, and then we went back there for meatballs & gravy for dinner. 

Anyway, it's been busy, but also just slow! Trying to give myself grace and let myself rest and just do life instead of constantly having an agenda. I mean I always still have an agenda because lists are life, but I'm easier on myself if I don't finish everything, and I'm trying my best to be more flexible. Haha... I'm so fun (not)!

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