Saturday 13 July 2024

End of School & Start of Summer

Okay I have some catch-up to do. We went away to the cabin June 27-July 7, so I'll post about that separately. In the meantime, I'll catch up for the time leading up to that!

School was out on June 20th. I was feeling ready, but mostly not ready for summer vacation to start. Every year around this time my mental health seems to tank. The transition of suddenly having little or no routine, having everyone around, and not having space or time to breathe gets to me in a very real way. This year has been no different, but I did have the cabin to look forward to so that gave me some reprieve!

Anyway, check out how much these kids grew in a year! My goodness... <3

Such a little lady!

He grew a lot this year. Totally looks like... not a baby anymore!

Love this handsome guy! <3

They really wanted a group shot haha 

And a goofy one

Then we started checking out each other's eyes. Dom's have changed so much since he was a baby!

They were like blue blue.

Emilia's still are blue blue. 

Eva's have changed similarly to Dom's. They were really blue, but are now more greeny-hazelish-grey

So summer begins! 

She thinks it was quite hilarious that Sherlock sat in Dom's seat.

They played "Skytrain" for like 20 minutes. Pulling each other to different arenas for playoff games. I love when they play together like this. 

Emilia haha. I hope she gets into drama one day. She is all about drama and faces and playing with her emotions.

Got to let some creative juices out for a thank you card I was making.

Found this in Emilia's school work <3
Her printing is as neat as mine is haha

This was 1000% the BEST teacher for Emilia. I credit her so much for her growth and resilience this year. <3 Going to miss her, but hope that Eva can have her in a couple years!

McDonald's for ice cream after the last day of school

Then home for some pool time

Look, mama! We're sharing!

Look at this bareback queen go!! 

Small group social with amazing margaritas. Legit citrus and booze. I think it was like... a lemon, a lime, an orange, and a bunch of ice and tequila/triple sec. It was awesome. Typically I like my margaritas (stu-garitas) on the rocks, but if it must be blended, this is how to do it!

Emilia lost her first tooth on June 23!

Dave and the kids and I were at the high school filming for the promotional video again. Dave needs an assistant, which is me. However childcare is often impossible to come by, so we had to bring the kids. It worked out, but definitely adds a level of stress while setting up! Haha

These two boys watching game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals. Dom had butterflies in his stomach and tears in his eyes. Adorable.

"Hey ma, I'm an anglerfish!"

We went to Mom & Dad's after bedtime for some wine and cheese for his birthday on the 25th. 

The boys got him this ridiculous(ly fancy) tequila for his birthday. He was very happy haha.

On June 26 I went to spin, went to work, and then we packed the van and headed to Agassiz for a night before going to the cabin the next day! 

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