Wednesday 15 May 2024


A little late on this, but my second child turned 6 on May 9! What can I say about Emilia?

In the last year she has started Kindergarten, started horseback riding, grown in her resilience and confidence, and is continuing to develop her own (larger than life) personality. 

  • She has FINALLY (in her eyes) reached 40 lbs. and just recently got to move into a booster seat. She'd been working on this for a very long time. Eating more at meals, working out (all her... not because we told her to work out), and checking in weekly to get into that booster. 
  • She's complained about stomach aches in the car for years, and since being in the booster it seems to be less frequent. Maybe the pressure from the 5 point harness was bothering her? 
  • Wears size 7 tops and size 5-6 bottoms (needs a 5 for waist size, but a 7 for length. Tricky times!)
  • Emilia wears her heart on her sleeve. She is the most thoughtful little person I've ever met. Her #1 goal is always to make other people feel happy. Especially if it's on a "special" day like Mother's Day, a birthday, etc. She feels a lot of responsibility for making others feel special so we work to encourage her not to take on the responsibility of others' feelings. That's a lot when you're 6. 
  • She loves rainbows, unicorns, sparkles and art. 
  • She will spend hours and hours making art. She got lots of art supplies for her birthday and loves to play and explore with them.
  • Her printing is as neat as mine is (which is saying something), though it is about 10x larger :)
  • She is incredibly resilient. She inspires us to want to do better and be better. If she is feeling discouraged about something or frustrated, she will literally do affirmations out loud to herself. At horseback riding a couple weeks ago her horse wasn't cooperating how she wanted and I could tell she was getting frustrated. Then she started saying to herself, "I... can... do... this!" She is wiser than most adults in this way, myself included. It really is inspiring. 
  • She doesn't like matching people or doing/wearing/having the same things as others. We went to the Canucks game at Rogers arena to watch game 6 of Round 1 and I was excited that her, Eva and I got to match jerseys. She was much less thrilled with this because she "wanted to be different." Hello, are you your father's daughter?!
  • She often talks without enunciating her words and sort of slurs them all together. Like she won't move her mouth/lips. It's honestly sort of annoying, but only because we know she can speak clearly. She's just habitually not.
  • Her bed is filled to the brim with things. Stuffies, special toys, books, beds for her special-est stuffies, blankets, jewelry... art she's done that hasn't made it to her art wall.
  • Oh, she has an art wall she's made in her room where she just tapes a bunch of random art work she's done to her wall. :)
  • On the night before her birthday she came into our room and crawled into bed with me. We never sleep together, but I know that she would every single night if it were up to her, just to be close to me, so I allowed it for a little bit. It was actually not too bad. She's usually a snorer and twitcher, but I guess she was so tired she fell asleep immediately and didn't get around to the snoring and twitching. 
  • She had a rainbow party for her 6th birthday.
  • Her best friend at school is Makenna, which is Elissa's daughter and it just warms our hearts to see these two together holding hands and playing and making art. They're kindred spirits. 
  • She loves flowers. Loves loves flowers. If anyone is ever trying to think of something that would just make her feel so special, get her some flowers. Don't trust me to keep them alive though. Provide instructions... haha! 
  • She is crushing Kindergarten. Or Kindergarten is crushing her... in a good way. Her teacher could not be more perfect for her. Whatever kool-aid they're serving, she is slurping it right up. It's there that she's learning about resilience, for example. She is learning so much more than the ABC's and 123's. She comes home with life skills that are important for every day living as you grow!

At the Food Truck Festival in Langley

Uncle Scott's birthday at Cactus Club when she ate half my poke bowl

Last trip to the Surrey Museum before COVID

Working from home during COVID

Maternity Photos before Eva was born

Came wine tasting at the cabin

Mother's Day Tea at Preschool

Kindergarten winter!

We love you Emilia, you little ray of sunshine and rainbows! <3

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