Thursday 12 November 2020

Thankful Thursday - 239

Starting last Saturday at 10pm, new COVID restrictions were put in place for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health for a minimum of 2 weeks. We are no longer allowed to socialize with anyone outside our immediate household. It really really sucks. I am absolutely terrified these restrictions will remain in place until Christmas - I just desperately want a "new normal" Christmas. We are still sending Dom to preschool, but other than that we are not seeing anyone, not even Scott and Ashleigh this time (for now). It's harder this time around too because the days are darker, colder, and drearier - can't just go out to the park whenever you want!  

I succeeded in my task of taking more photos this week after my pathetic display last Thursday! Haha

That being said, this week I am thankful for...

1. 8 years of marriage to my best friend. We have been together for 13 years, since I was 15, and celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary this past Tuesday. We planned to go out for dinner, and my mom was gracious enough to still come over and put the kids to bed for us so we could still go out. We went to Cactus Club (of course) and had a really excellent meal. The service there is always top notch, but they were even better than usual. Probably because the manager came over to ID us, and couldn't believe it when we told him we had two kids and a third on the way, and were celebrating 8 years of marriage. Word got around and others were coming up marveling at how we looked way too young to be doing all that!

My hair actually cooperated with me that day too, which is a nice change!

Felt good to get dressed up and go out to celebrate! At dinner we shared our 3 highlights since being married (not kid related), and then 3 separate highlights about having kids. Totally recommend this activity! Also hilarious how almost every single one of our highlights were the same, or very closely related.

2. Organizing! I have been feeling a little overwhelmed lately (it's the week of a big work event, so it makes sense), and when things get like that I have a hard time with the lack of control. I took the opportunity to tackle a task that I could control! I went through all my clothes and packed up the things that won't be fitting me for a while, and took out all my maternity clothes. I bought some baskets to put on top of my dresser in our closet for my winter stuff, masks, etc. It just looks so much nicer in there now! I wish I could just be given a $300 budget, and three full days of my choice with no children to purge and organize every room in the house! 

These are the clothes that won't fit me for a while! Love these Costco crates! Three of these clear, stackable crates for $19.99. We have two sets of them and I will probably be buying another.

3. Biden won the US Election. Without getting too political, it is definitely something I'm thankful for! I think the world needed a change of leadership in the US.

Instead of posting a political picture, let's share Dom's first school photos! <3 <3 <3 I am pleasantly surprised given how shy he can be, especially when in a pressure situation with "expectations"

4. The salmon run! We took a walk to Tynehead last week to see the salmon run and saw a ton of them. The kids were pretty interested! On Tuesday we'll be going with preschool again on a little field trip.

Crazy how these huge fish make such a journey all the way up here to spawn. I let the kids watch the Magic School Bus episode about salmon the next day while I had a work meeting. That's where I got all my salmon knowledge from back in the day!

5. Beautiful sunset. No words necessary.

6. Independent kids. While they demand a LOT of my attention (especially when I'm trying to work of course), I am loving the independent stage they're in. For example, bath time is a great time killer, because they're old enough that I can slip into the next room and fold some laundry, or (more likely) fart around on my phone out of sight of them. Bath time is no longer a chore - until new baby comes along! 

*Please note I am not far while they are bathing!* :)

7. Doing girly things. I am incredibly blessed to have been given both a boy (who is very into boy things) and a girl (who is very into girly things). They are super stereotypical in most ways, but I have to say, I am really enjoying the age Emilia is at and exploring the artsy, girly side of play with her. I picked up some beads at the dollar store and we spent a long time making bracelets together. She started creating patterns all by herself that were surprisingly consistent. Later on, Dom joined in the fun, and his bracelet was a chaotic pattern, and the activity quickly turned into dumping beads from one container into another (aka playing garbage truck). 

8. Learning opportunity. My parents picked up some toys to donate to the Cloverdale Christmas Hamper program. They asked if I'd like to drop them off with the kids as a lesson in giving, and our privilege, etc. This morning at preschool drop off we dropped off the toys and some food from our pantry. Dom totally got the concept, I'm not so sure about Emilia, but she was on board. Dom said, "We brought toys to give to others! Another little kid will really like playing with these fancy cars!" <3

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