Tuesday 21 January 2020

Well... we tried!

Okay, so potty training last weekend was a total bust. I had prepped and planned to do the 3-day method, and was 100% committed to such. Dom was prepared and excited about it right up until the moment he first had to pee on the potty. Everything was downhill from there. He has the awareness to know when he has to pee, and what he has to do, but he developed a mysterious fear of peeing without a diaper on. He screamed and cried and broke my heart every time he had to pee and ran around the house panicked until he finally released and had an accident. The first time he sat on the potty and screamed and cried and hugged me until he peed on the potty, but after that nothing made it to the potty. It was honestly the hardest day I've had in a long time. I haven't felt like such an awful mother since he was 3 days old and I was hormonal and he wasn't gaining weight. Whew!! At about 430 pm I called it. I didn't think there was any way he would transition out of this fear my himself, and he just wasn't ready. 

It was garbage day, so here he is waving goodbye to his diapers as he helped me throw them in the trash. Secretly we kept them because diapers are expensive! Now I'm very glad we did, but he is quite confused about how we got more diapers at the end of the day when the garbage truck took them haha! 

He is still very proud of himself for trying, and excited about his underwear, and will happily pretend on the potty. We will try again another day. I had purposefully left the weekend with no plans so we could be home and focus, but now we had freedom! 

Such a big boy <3 

Side note: I know I'm not a horrible mother, it was just hard to "cause" so much panic and stress for him. Also, I was extra stressed because I hate quitting. I am very result-oriented, so not completing the plan is hard for me. 

SO! Freedom... What do we do?! Saturday morning we were invited to have breakfast at the Oasis with Mom & Oma D. Once the kids got some food in their system they were running around playing. I totally remember being young and goofy and playful like that with my brothers. Does everyone get nostalgic watching their kids play? The rest of the day we actually hung around at home. I was still emotionally exhausted from Friday, and our power was out from 1030-5. It came back on just in time to make dinner so we had some pizzas. 

Crazy breakfast monster

He did this puzzle on his own and I'm so impressed! It doesn't have regular puzzle pieces, they're more shapes that align instead of clicking together. 35 pieces for ages 4+!

Reason for power outage

Was upstairs getting their jammies and heard Dom, "Come snuggle Emilia. Emilia, come snuggle me! Come on my lap!" This is what I walked down to. Ugh. My heart.

Sunday was SUPER busy. In the morning I took Dom to church/Cornerstone, and David took Emilia and Sherlock for a walk. We had to walk him in the morning because we were planning to be out the rest of the day.

Right when I got home from church we packed up and went to David's mom's birthday brunch. We put Emilia down for her nap there and played games while Dom played and watched some TV. 

After brunch we packed up and went straight to Port Moody to Jeff & Marta's place to attempt swimming with the kids. I had low expectations, as last time Dom would barely put a toe in the water and cried and whined the whole time. Well... Dom FAR exceeded my expectations. He initiated everything and was all over the place playing and splashing and being tossed around. Amazing. He had SO much fun. Emilia was a little koala bear attached to me, but that's okay. I'm not a swimmer anyway. I still stuck my feet in the hot tub and snuggled her. 

I got this bathing suit for under $10 at Talize last year. So glad I did! Also glad 1 piece bathing suits are acceptable to wear again :) #twobabybelly

Slippery fish. I think he's ready for swimming lessons! Also, I think potty training will be like swimming. It'll be nope nope panic panic YES!

After swimming the whole fam jam (12 of us in total) went to a pizza place (Spacca something) close to J&M's. Such fun, and we realized that in a few years it will likely be nearly impossible for all of us and kids to spontaneously go to a restaurant like that. 

We are eligible for upgrades, and tomorrow I am getting a new phone; I am so excited! Google Pixel 3a XL here I come! It has one of the best cameras out there (in that price range, but also in higher price ranges I think). Since that's primarily what I use my phone for, I am willing to sacrifice some other perks different brands might have. 

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