Thursday 27 September 2018

Thankful Thursday - 150

My 150th Thankful Thursday post!! That's a lot of gratefulness! 

It's been a good week (except today and yesterday due to the later-mentioned 4 month sleep regression). I've had energy for once; I think largely due to the sunny weather. It's amazing what an effect the weather has on me. Even though I know I'm just sluggish and unmotivated because it's gloomy outside, it doesn't mean I'm able to snap myself out of it. Thankful for the cooler, sunny Fall weather!

1. Shutterfly Books. I received my 2016 and 2017 books I finally caught up on! I love having these little books to look back on. Every year I wait until they have the "free 8x8 photobook" sale. I may or may not have a couple accounts I use to maximize my deal. Ethical? ...Grey area :)

2. Cabinets!!! I'm way too excited about these. If you've been to my house, you have more than likely noticed our junk corner. I am not proud of it. It is cluttered, very visible, and just became where everything gets tossed. We have a solution!!! My Aunty Sonya & Uncle Anthony moved and this cabinet sadly didn't have a spot in the new house so she offered it up for sale and I swooped in so quickly to claim it. I've always wanted something like this.

We went from this...

I have always been horribly embarrassed by this spot. I even considered hanging a curtain just to hide the mess.


Seriously... check out this storage!

3. Generous neighbours. Our neighbours in our complex have two kids, aged 8 and 10. They were given a very very cool firehouse toy years ago. It's like a "boy" version of a dollhouse. Their kids have outgrown it, so they gifted it to us! Dominic is super excited about it. I think we will pack it away and bring it out closer to his 2nd birthday. It takes up a lot of space when set up, but it all comes apart easily and lays flat! It is so awesome. I would have killed for something like this as a kid!

4. The minivan. We were able to pack all the parts for the cabinet into our van! I removed the middle row of seats and folded down the back ones, and there was ample room! Hooray for a spacious, practical vehicle!

5. Some peace of mind. I posted a while ago about Emilia's lack of weight gain from 2-4 months. Since she turned 4 months I've been running my body into the ground with pumping and feeding and supplementing and stressing. My mental health took a major dive. I have decided this weak to relax a bit. I'll do what I can, and whatever makes us all happy. Fed is best. She is a mix of breastfed and formula fed. I am now at peace with that. I am just not ready for our breastfeeding journey to be done. 
That being said, I weighed her again today and she's gained a pound in two and a half weeks! That is sort of average for this age, but great considering she didn't gain for two months before. 

Happy happy! Now if only she would go back to sleeping right through the night and taking 2 hour naps... 4 month sleep regression has hit the Kimber household (Zzzzzz...).

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