Wednesday 2 August 2017

Keeping Busy

Summer time is extra fun because many other people are also off work, or want to do outings on the weekends!

It has become a nightly ritual lately for David and I to sit outside after Dom goes to bed and play some Blackjack & Poker. House always wins in Blackjack, and we seem to take turns in Poker. 

Aunty Sonya, Uncle Anthony and their new puppy Kaden came for a visit Saturday!

Kaden played for a little and then passed right out! Such a sweet puppy. 

Saturday night was the gift opening for Adam and Aly at Aly's parents' house. They always make an effort to come out to our things, so I wanted to go! David offered to stay home to watch Dom so I could go out. Great food, company and fun! Also reminiscent about opening all our wedding gifts!

They got some scratch and wins as gifts and excitedly scratched them right away! 

We made a trip to IKEA to grab a few things and I didn't want to bring in the stroller. We thought we'd try out the buggy for Dom, but I figured he was too small still. WRONG! He sat up like this happily smiling at everyone the whole time. Why is he so big?!

On Tuesday Gramma invited Dom and I to Queens Park to go to the petting zoo since Dom loves animals so much! Dom was in a bit of a mood (or a non-mood). Nothing made him overly excited or upset, but I was excited about the animals! 

Playing in the water at the water park. We ended up taking off his shorts so he could sit down and splash a little. The water was pretty cold though and he didn't last long. 

I love this photo.

A peacock jumped up right in front of us and totally startled Dom! Haha

Rainbow Playland! I totally remember coming to Queens Park as a little kid. Very nostalgic for me. 

All the excitement of the park made it really tough for Dom to fall asleep his next nap. He spent a large portion taking to his teddy bear... **rolls eyes**

Sherlock missed the petting zoo, so I brought him to see the Provinceton goats. He was more keen to see them than they were him. They stood at a distance and approached slowly when he laid down by the fence calmly watching them. 

Wednesdays are for play dates! 

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