Thursday 28 July 2016

Thankful Thursday - 52

This week I am grateful for:

1. Good food! My mom gave David and I some gift certificates for Famoso Italiano Pizzeria in Morgan Crossing. We used them up the other day, and were pleasantly surprised by the authentic Italian pizza!

2. Gorgeous weather. With the gorgeous weather comes lots of things! Afternoons spent on our patio, Sherlock rolling around in the mud, dinners with Oma, and Karen & Darcy invited us to utilize their pool/yard/BBQ while they were out one evening! Awesome way to spend our summer!

Sherlock was hot, so I sprayed him with the hose and he proceeded to turn around and roll in the dirt patch where we had JUST removed a plant from. Good one pup. 

3. An extra long weekend! We're heading up to Opa & Oma's cabin this afternoon to celebrate their 50th anniversary with the whole family! It's supposed to be 36 degrees today and we will be sleeping in a tent! Yikes!! 

The family on their actual anniversary date in May!

1 comment:

  1. Famoso - SO GOOD!!! :) We've been to the one in Guildford a few times.
